

Applications are evaluated on an individual basis. The university uses selective criteria in order to ensure students are adequately prepared to be successful in their academic pursuits. NDSU reviews the following criteria.


It is recommended that applicants have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.75或更高(4).0规模). Strong consideration is given to grades earned in the high school core classes listed below. 


NDSU is test-optional and does not require ACT/SAT test scores for admission. NDSU will rely on the high school grade point average (GPA) and core coursework to make admission decisions. Although we do not require ACT/SAT test scores for admission, applicants may elect to send test scores if they feel they may help provide a more complete representation of academic abilities. 另外, NDSU will still consider test scores for placement into the appropriate math and English courses.

视图 Test Optional Frequently Asked Questions


Students applying for admission should complete the following 14 high school core courses:

  • 4个单元英语
  • 3 units of mathematics (at the level of Algebra 1 and above)
  • 3个单元的实验科学
  • 社会科学三个单元
  • 1 unit from existing core subject area or world language (including foreign languages, 美洲土著语言, 或美国手语)

Students who do not meet these minimum guidelines will still be considered if there is evidence in the student's academic record that demonstrates a high probability of success. Students not offered direct admission to NDSU may be eligible to enroll in the Pathway Program, a collaborative agreement between NDSU and North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) - Fargo. Additional details are sent in the admission decision letter.


NDSU将接受 通识教育发展 (GED) transcript in lieu of a high school transcript. For students testing in 2014 or later, a minimum passing score of 165 in all subject areas must be presented. Applicants with GED scores prior to 2014 must meet prior requirements for successful completion of a GED. Students who do not meet minimum passing scores will still be considered if there is evidence in the student's academic record that demonstrates a high probability of success.


Incoming freshmen are encouraged to complete the application process between September and January for the following fall semester, or by November for the following spring semester, to ensure that applications and paperwork can be completed in a timely manner.

  • The final deadline to apply for admission for Spring 2025 semester is December 1.
  • The final deadline to apply for admission for Fall 2025 semester is August 1. 

Please note it may take two to three weeks from the date we receive all your materials to make an admission decision. You can expect an admission decision by mail.


To be considered for freshman admission, students must submit the following: 

  1. 填妥及递交 入学申请.
  2. Report your high school information, including coursework and GPA.
  • For a quicker admission decision, self-report your coursework and GPA. You will be asked to confirm this information by providing an official high school transcript following graduation.
  • A preliminary admission offer can be made if you meet NDSU’s admission guidelines. If you do not meet these criteria, submit your current high school transcript. You will still be considered for admission if there is evidence in your academic record that demonstrates a high probability of success.
  • If you do not self-report, submit your current high school transcript.
  • If you have graduated from high school, please submit your current high school transcript.

